There are probably several of you that know about my severe bird phobia. Well, one morning I was sitting in the lounge working on the laptop and suddenly I got this very icky feeling. I turn around and just outside the window this little guy was staring at me. Thank goodness there was glass between us or I would have been in full blown panic mode. Since then I've been told that this bird is lucky. Let's hope so!
Eating out with friends at a Japanese restaurant. Mmmm, sashimi! Also on the menu, steamed eggs, wasabi squid, tempura shrimp, grilled garlic, and stuffed conch shells.
Delighted to find an import store that sells cocoa powder. Not the greatest brand in the whole wide world, but it sure as heck will do when I have a craving for a brownie once we move into the new apartment!
After enjoying the familiar comfort of the import store (and cocoa powder) I was reminded that things are still very different here. How about some fresh chicken feet? (PS. This photo was taken at Walmart)
Friday I went in to work with Jesse to take some photos of the facility. In order to be allowed in the print room you have to gear up in a clean room suit (or as I like to call it a "zombie makin' suit"). I seriously look like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters.
I also finally got out my real camera this weekend and will be sharing some of those photos later this week. Along with a fantastic fish recipe for all your lent needs.
Have a great week!!